Site Messaging | Digital Design Professional Internship


Behind the Shop

One valuable lesson that I’ve learned from working on shopDisney’s ecommerce site was to never get too attached to a design because it will probably be gone the next day. The process of designing site assets wasn’t too difficult, the main hurdle was tackling the fast turnaround times. I once had to deliver new assets same day because a campaign or promotion changed completely. This internship really taught me how to be quick on my feet and to always expect the unexpected.


Here’s an example of a Landing Page I was assigned, in this particular example I am working on the Disney Parks landing page where we are showcasing new Parks clothing styles, souvenirs, and exclusives.

Plan and Design

Collaboration with Site Merchandise

Initial planning starts with the Site Merchandise team, they send in tickets to our team that includes the page we’re working on, the promotions they want to showcase, and the products they want to be used in the assets. They send this information in a wireframe format which helps us layout what the page is supposed to look like (as shown on the right). Red text means completely new product and section needs to be redesigned and Black text means existing assets. They suggest modules to use, but ultimately we have full reign on overall design of the landing page.

Collaboration with Photography

In order to design our assets we need the Photography team to send us all product and lifestyle images. Since there are always so many new products to be masked our team also helps mask product images.

Collaboration with Copy Writers

The last step in finishing up the design is adding in all the copy that goes with each asset.

All assets were designed for both Web and Mobile


Other Landing Page Examples

clp_sale-v2_20200323 (1).jpg

The Mini Projects

When we’re not working on landing pages or emails we’re assigned mini assets here and there. These include Banners, Disruptor Tiles, and Navigation Tiles which are global modules that live on product listing pages and navigation pages.


Medium Banners

These banners are used on landing pages, but they are also the hero images of each product listing page. We design these banners to highlight new products in creative ways. My main goals were to incorporate mostly lifestyle imagery, include small animations here and there, or give product images life with compelling environments.


Desktop Version

Mobile Version

Mobile Version


Disruptor Tiles

These tiles are spread throughout the product listing pages. These are typically used to promote promotions and sales throughout the site, but occasionally they’ll be used to showcase new products.


Product Listing Page

Here are the Medium Banners and Disruptor Tiles in action. Medium Banners typically change with promotions and holidays while Disruptor Tiles are changed constantly, depending on how long promotions last.


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